EC010 807 Project Work
Teaching scheme credits: 4
6 hours practical per week
The progress in the project work is to be presented by the middle of eighth semester before the evaluation committee. By this time, the students will be in a position to publish a paper in international/ national journals/conferences. The EC can accept, accept with modification, and request a resubmission.
The progress of project work is found unsatisfactory by the EC during the middle of the eighth semester presentation, such students has to present again to the EC at the end of the semester and if it is also found unsatisfactory an extension of the project work can be given to the students.
Project report: To be prepared in proper format decided by the concerned department. The report shall record all aspects of the work, highlighting all the problems faced and the approach/method employed to solve such problems. Members of a project group shall prepare and submit separate reports. Report of
each member shall give details of the work carried out by him/her, and only summarise other members’ work.
The student’s sessional marks for project will be out of 100, in which 60 marks will be based on day to day performance assessed by the guide. Balance 40 marks will be awarded based on the presentation of the project by the students before an evaluation committee.
For Project, the minimum for a pass shall be 50% of the total marks assigned to the Project work.
EC010 808 Viva -Voce
Teaching scheme credits: 2
A comprehensive oral Viva-voce examination will be conducted to assess the student's intellectual achievement, depth of understanding in the specified field of engineering and papers published / accepted for publication etc. At the time of viva-voce, certified bound reports of seminar and project work are to be presented for evaluation. The certified bound report(s) of educational tour/industrial training/ industrial visit shall also be brought during the final Viva-
An internal and external examiner is appointed by the University for the Conduct of viva voce University examination.
For Viva-voce, the minimum for a pass shall be 50% of the total marks assigned to the Viva-voce.
Note: If a candidate has passed all examinations of B.Tech. course (at the time of publication of results of eighth semester) except Viva-Voce in the eighth semester, a re-examination for the Viva-Voce should be conducted within one month after the publication of results. Each candidate should apply for this ‘Save a Semester examination’ within one week after the publication of eighth semester results.