EC405 Optical Communication

Prerequisite: EC203 Solid State Devices, EC205 Electronic Circuits
Course objectives:

  • To introduce the concepts of light transmission through optical fibers, optical sources and detectors.
  • To compare the performance of various optical transmission schemes.
  • To impart the working of optical components and the principle of operation of optical amplifiers.To give idea on WDM technique.

Syllabus: General light wave system, advantages, classification of light wave systems, fibre types, linear and non linear effects in fibres, Fibre materials, fabrication of fibres, Optical sources, LEDs and LDs Optical detectors, Optical receivers, Digital transmission systems, Optical Amplifiers,
WDM concept, Introduction to free space optics, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR).

Expected outcome:
The students will be able to:-

  1. Know the working of optical source and detectors.
  2. Compare the performance of various optical modulation schemes.
  3. Apply the knowledge of optical amplifiers in the design of optical link.
  4. Analyse the performance of optical amplifiers.
  5. Know the concept of WDM
  6. Describe the principle of FSO and LiFi.


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