Embedded System Hardware Architecture I

Module 1

Introduction to Embedded Systems and Embedded hardware: A system engineering approach to embedded systems - Introduction and definition of  Embedded Systems,  Embedded System Design,  Introduction and importance of  embedded systems architecture, The embedded systems Model.Basics of computer architecture and binary number systems. Introduction to Embedded Systems- Application domain, Features and General characteristics of embedded systems, Microprocessor vs microcontroller, Figure of merits, Classification of MCUs. Embedded systems The hardware point of view- MCU, memory, low power design, pullup and pull down resistors . Sensors, ADCs and actuators . Some examples of embedded systems -  Mobile Phone, Automotive Electronics,  Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)  Wireless Sensor Networks (WISENET), Robotics, Biomedical Applications,  Brain Machine Interface etc

Module 2

Embedded Hardware: Building Blocks and the Embedded Board - Importance of reading a Schematic, Major components of an embedded board, Factors that allow an embedded device to work,  The Embedded Board and the von Neumann Model, Powering the Hardware. Embedded Processors - ISA Architecture Models , Internal Processor , Processor Performance- Bench marks , Reading a Processor’s Datasheet ( Example  processor- MPC 860)  Procesor Design case study – A Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) for example, the MU0 processor 

Module 3

Memories, Memory management &Board Memory

Memory Systems – Introduction, Memory Spaces , Cache Overview ,External Memory, Direct Memory Access. Board Memory - Memory Management of External Memory, Board Memory and Performance.


Module 4

Board I/O & Board Buses

Board I/O (Input/Output) - Managing Data; Serial vs. Parallel I/O: Serial I/O Example- Networking and Communications: RS-232 & IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN, Parallel I/O example:- Parallel Output and Graphics Parallel and Serial I/O: Example: Networking and communications—Ethernet.  Interfacing the I/O Components, I/O performance. Board Buses-  Bus Arbitration and Timing, Integrating the Bus with Other Board Components, Bus Performance





  1. Tammy Noergaard, “Embedded Systems Architecture, A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers”, Newness,  Elseiver, 2012
  2. Lyla B Das , “Embedded systems-An integrated approach”, Pearson Education, 2013
  3. Steve Furber , “ARM System-on-chip architecture”, 2/e, Pearson Education
  4. Jack Ganssle, Tammy Noergaard,Fred Eady,Lewin Edwards,David J. Katz, RickGentile, Ken Arnold, Kamal Hyder, Bob Perrin, Creed Huddleston, “Embedded Hardware Know It all”, Newness, Elseiver, 2008
  5. Wayne Wolf , “Computers as Components-principles of Embedded computer system design”, Elseveir, 2005
  6. Ken Arnold,  “Embedded Controller Hardware Design”, LLH Technology publishing, 2001
  7. Peter Marwedel, “Embedded System Design”, Springer, 2006
  8. Frank Vahid and Tony D. Givargis,  “Embedded System Design: A Unified  Hardware / Software Introduction”, 2000.
  9. Jerraya, A. “Long Term Trends for Embedded System Design.”
  10. S. E. Derenzo, “Practical Interfacing in the Laboratory: Using a PC for Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Control”, Cambridge, 2003.
  11. E. A. Lee and S. A. Seshia , “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, 2011-2012

