Reference Books

  1. Israel Koren, Mani Krishna, ”Fault Tolerant Systems”, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2007.
  2. Parag K. Lala “Fault Tolerant and Fault testable hardware design”, Prentice-Hall International, 1985.
  3. Martin L Shooman, Willey, “Reliablity of Computer systems and networks : Fault Tolerance, analysis and Design”.
  4. DK Pradhan “FaultTolerant computer system Design”, PHI, 1996.
  5. LL Pullam, ”Software Fault tolerance Techniques and implementation”, Artech House Computer Security Series , 2001.
  6. Siewiorek, Daniel P,“Reliable computer systems: Design and evaluation”, AK Peters, Ltd., 3rd edition, 1998.
  7. John Wiley, “Probability and statistics with reliability queuing and computer science applications”, 2nd Edition.
  8. Ebeling, Charles “An Introduction to reliability and maintainability Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Science. 1996.


Fault Tolerant Systems