
I CPU - Arithmetic: Signed addition and subtraction –BCD adder –Multiplication – Array
multiplier – Booth’s Algorithm, Division – Restoring and non-restoring division.
II Floating-point arithmetic- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Decimal arithmetic addition subtraction, multiplication, division. ALU - design of arithmetic, logical, arithmetic logical unit 9
III Control Logic Design – Control Organization – Hardware control, Microprogram control (design for specific problems)– Microprogram sequencer, Horizontal and vertical micro instructions.
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IV Memory: - Memory hierarchy –Principle of inclusion-memory interleaving techniques. Disk
memory - Data organisation on disk-Disk performance –Disk caching. Main memory-SRAM,
DRAM, ROM –Associative memory, Scratchpad memory-Cache memory –Levels of Cache-
Mapping techniques, Associative, Direct, and Set Associative-Main memory update policies.
V Virtual Memory:-Overlay-Need for virtual memory-Address translation-Translation Look
Aside Buffer-Relocation techniques-static, dynamic-Paged memory-Page table, Page frame
data table-Segmented memory-Paged segments.


Computer Organization