- One day workshop on Real Time Interfacing using MATLAB organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics,RSET.
- One day International workshop on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics,RSET.
- One day workshop on Introduction to VFD and its Industrial Applications organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics,RSET.
- Short term training program on Research Frontiers in Networking,Clustering & Cloud Computing held at RSET.
- Three Days Academic Retreat Program held at Christ University,Bangalore.
- FDP on Teaching, Learning and Feedback held at RSET.
- One day workshop on Micro Teaching held at RSET.
- One day International workshop on Solar Energy Applications held at RSET.
- STTP on Research trends in Informatics Computing & Communication held at RSET.
- Two days FDP on Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems For Residential, Commercial And Off- Grid Applications organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics,RSET.
- Two days FDP on IOT using Arduino and Raspberry Pi held at RSET.
- Claude Shannon:National Seminar on Information Theory and Communication held at RSET.
- Short term training program on Grid Connected Renewable Systems at VJCET,Kothamangalam
- FDP on dsPIC WITH POWER ELECTRONICS(Using Matlab) organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics,RSET.
- FDP on Fundamentals of LabVIEW & Data Acquisition Systems held at RSET.
- Two days workshop on Power System and Control Engineering held at SSET, Karukutty.
- Three days FDP on Distributed Generation and Smart Grid at MITS,Varikoli.
- GBSE 2019 ( Four days) held at RSET.
- Five days FDP on Advances in Electric Vehicle Technology held at RSET.