Laboratory experiments help students to gain hands-on experience of physical concepts through the measurements of the physical quantities and the conduct of experiments. As engineers of the future, the students are expected to know how to apply the concepts of physics in engineering. They are, therefore, introduced to making quantitative measurements in real world conditions, and trained to record and process experimental data.
1. Frequency response of an RLC circuit
2. Generation and determination of waveform using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
3. Determination of wavelength of a monochromatic light using Newton's rings
4. Determination of diameter of a thin wire/hair using Air wedge
5. Measurement of intensity variation using Malus' law
6. Determination of the wavelength of poly-chromatic light using Spectrometer and diffraction grating
7. Thought experiment : Bose-Einstein condensate
8. Thought experiment : Schrodinger cat paradox
9. Determination of frequency of fork using Melde's string
10. Determination of wavelength of laser using diffraction grating
11. I-V characteristics of a solar cell
12. Determination of numerical aperture of an optical fiber