EC010 507 Digital Electronics Lab

• To provide experience on design, testing, and realization of few digital circuits used.
• To understand basic concepts of memories, decoders etc.
1. Study of Logic Gates: Truth-table verification of OR, AND, NOT, XOR, NAND and NOR gates.
2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms.
3. Design and Realization of half, full adder or subtractor using basic gates and universal gates.
4. Flip Flops: Truth-table verification of JK Master Slave FF, T and D FF.
5. Asynchronous Counter: Realization of 4-bit up counter and Mod-N counters.
6. Synchronous Counter: Realization of 4-bit up/down counter and Mod-N counter.
7. Shift Register: Study of shift right, SIPO, SISO, PIPO, PISO and shift left operations
8. Ring counter and Johnson Counter.
9. Design examples using Multiplexer and De multiplexer.
10. LED Display: Use of BCD to 7 Segment decoder / driver chip to drive LED display
11. Static and Dynamic Characteristic of NAND gate (both TTL and MOS)
Mini Project based on above experiments.
