PH 100 Engineering Physics syllabus contains the following modules:

1. Oscillations and Waves: This module consists of a damped oscillations, forced oscillations, resonance, derivation of wave equation and its application in the case of transverse vibrations of a stretched string.

2. Interference and Diffraction: Here the derivation of the conditions of maxima and minina of the thin film interference pattern is provided. this module also contains some experimental applications of thin film interference like Newton's rings and air wedge, Also the practical applications of thin film interference like anti-reflection coatings and interference filters are also included in the syllabus.

3. Polarisation and superconductivity: Different types of polarisations and retardation plates are included at the beginning. Then, a brief outline of the production and detection of polarised light is provided along with the practical applications of dichroism and double refraction. the chapter on superconductivity includes meissner effect, classification of superconductors, high temperature superconductors etc 

4. Quantum mechanics & Statistical mechanics: This module includes a brief outline of wave function and its properties, operators, uncertainty principle, time dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equation, applications of quantum mechanical methods for the determination of wave function in the case of finite and infinite potentials. Statistical mechanics include the description of microstates and macrostates, different types of statistics like Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

5. Acoustics & Ultrasonics- Various properties of sound, reverberation, Sabine's formula and the acoustics of a well designed building are included in this chapter. Also, the piezoelectric and magnetostriction methods for the production of ultrasonics, some methods for the detection and application of ulrasonics are provided.

6. Lasers, Photonics & Fiber Optics: This module contains an outline of the components of laser, its principle and production, types of lasers, holography etc. Also, a the optical fiber communication system and some important photo electronic components are briefly included in this module.
