- A probabilistic approach to reduce the route establishment overhead in AODV algorithm for MANET- 15 Citations
- Improving the routing performance of mobile ad hoc networks using domination set- 5 Citations
- A cluster based leader election algorithm for MANETs- 4 Citations
- Enhanced beaconless routing mechanism in VANET- 4 Citations
- A QoS and QoE collaborative scheme for effective network selection in 4G communication systems- 4 Citations
- A novel solution to the short range bluetooth communication- 3 Citations
- A novel approach for malicious node detection in MANET- 2 Citations
- Enhanced Data Replication based on Demand to Improve Data Availability in MANETs- 2 Citations
- A QoS based network selection scheme for 4G systems with preplanner for emergency services- Citations
- A novel approach to find the alternative path for route maintenance in AODV- 2 Citations
- A novel approach to find the alternative path for route maintenance in AODV- 2 Citations
- An Effective Path Protection Method to Attain the Route Stability in MANET- 2 Citations
- A novel approach for dynamic leader election and key based security in MANET clusters for the secured data distribution- 2 Citations
- Performance Improvement of Multiple Connections in AODV with the concern of node bandwidth- 2 Citations
- A Novel Approach for Green Computing through Event-Driven Power Aware Pervasive Computing- 2 Citations