Dr. Ragin Ramdas M. completed his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Chemistry from Sree Narayana College Kannur and bachelor’s degree in Education from SUM College of Teacher Education Kannur with second rank. In 2012 he qualified NET with University Grants Commission-Junior Research Fellowship and completed his PhD from Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, in the field of ‘shape memory polymers realized by click chemistry’ under the supervision of Dr. K.S. Santhosh Kumar and Dr. C.P. Reghunadhan Nair.  He was the recipient of Gold Medal Award 2020 for Best PhD Thesis - Society for Polymer Science India. His research interests include Biopolymers, Smart Polymers and their biomedical applications and biomedical applications of nanomaterials. He has been working as Assistant Professor in Chemistry in the Department of Basic Sciences & Humanities of Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Kochi since 01.08.2017.