
Panthalookaran V. The Eagle’s Perspective: Progressive Abstraction Method. . Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;6(5):44-47.
Panthalookaran V. Gamification of Physics Themes to Nurture Engineering Professional and Life Skills. 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 2018:937-945.
Panthalookaran V. Jot Your Mind Down: Brain Writing. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;6(5):42-45.
Panthalookaran V. The Matrix of Self-discovery: The SWOT Analysis. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;6(3):32-35.
Panthalookaran V. Method of Multiple Redefinitions. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;5(9):46-49.
Panthalookaran V. Mirages in the Mirror: The simplexity thinking system due to Dr. Basadur. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;5(11):46-49.
Panthalookaran V. Off-piste! Choose the Path of Most Resistance. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;5(8):48=51.
Panthalookaran V. Thinking in Metaphors: Metaphorical Thinking of Pablo Picasso. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;5(12):44-47.
Panthalookaran V. The TRIZ of it All. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;6(2):40-44.
Panthalookaran V. Want Giant Leaps? Take Baby Steps. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2018;6(7):36-39.
Panthalookaran V. A Word can Solve your Problem: Problem Solving using Relational Algorithm. Rajagiri Pallikkutm. 2018;6(6):42-45.
Panthalookaran V. Acquire visual thinking skills from seers. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;4(12):42-45.
Panthalookaran V. Analyze the Force Fields Accurately and Skillfully Implement Your Innovations. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;5(4):44-47.
Panthalookaran V. Archimedes’ Bath, Einstein’s Bed and Rowling’s Bus. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;5(6):42-45.
Panthalookaran V. Design your personal creative ecosystem. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;5(1):44-47.
Panthalookaran V. Get Accustomed to the Fuzzy Logic of the East. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;5(3):38-41.
Panthalookaran V. Make way for Sensenation with Mike Vance. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;4(10):34-37.
Panthalookaran V. Play violin with Einstein, unite brain knots. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;4(11):46-49.
Panthalookaran V. Reframe yourself to generate creative options. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;5(5):44-47.
Panthalookaran V. Set your sails. Let the yacht flow. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2017;5(7):46-49.
