
Panthalookaran V. Expand your horizons with powerful analogies. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;2(9):42-44.
Panthalookaran V. Identify your personal creative context. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;2(10):26-28.
Panthalookaran V. Paradoxical Thinking Skills. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;3(6):49-51.
Panthalookaran V. Prime your creative pump with suitable questions. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;3(3):47-49.
Panthalookaran V. The Principle of Discontinuity. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;3(5):47-49.
Panthalookaran V. Scamper off into probortunity. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;3(7):45-47.
Panthalookaran V. Think laterally to generate creative options. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2015;3(4):47-49.
Panthalookaran V. Build your creativeness on a solid foundation: Spiritual foundations of Creativity. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(7):45-47.
Panthalookaran V. Give Caesar his due: Freedom and Creativity. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(6):55-57.
Panthalookaran V. Grow with/against jealousy. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(4):54-57.
Panthalookaran V. Have some clay in the head!. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;1(9):23-26.
Panthalookaran V. Hone your fluent thinking skills. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;1(8):19-21.
Panthalookaran V. Love your enemy and pass over to new realms of life. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(1):52-54.
Panthalookaran V. Pride goes before both fall and rise. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(2):53-55.
Panthalookaran V. Reconnect your life and work with creative passion. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;1(12):23-25.
Panthalookaran V. Season your life for all seasons. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(5):55-57.
Panthalookaran V. Some management principles and practices for engineering teaching institutions to create suitable research ecosystem. Indian Journal of Technical Education. 2014.
Panthalookaran V. Sustain the “heroism at the starting point. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;1(11):23-26.
Panthalookaran V. Think original to capture “eureka moments” of your life. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;1(10):23-26.
Panthalookaran V. Who is the true mother of invention: Greed or Need?. Rajagiri Pallikkutam. 2014;2(3):55-57.
